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The Kids Care Dental & Orthodontics Family

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Spring Break

Winter is wrapping up and spring is just around the corner… Yahoo! Let’s get ready for flowers, warmer weather, and of course, spring break.

If you’ll be stuck at home, you can still have fun and make the most of it. Here are 5 suggestions to get you started.

Get Your Teeth Cleaned

If this doesn’t sound like fun then you’ve never been to Kids Care. We’ve actually had kids ask to host a birthday party in our office because of how incredibly fun their visits are. So take advantage! During the school year, you’re busy taking kids to practices and lessons, all while trying to squeeze in check ups and appointments. Pause the juggling act and schedule time to visit our kid experts. We’ll leave your kiddos with the goofiest, healthiest smiles around. Not to mention the super fun environment with TV’s, movies, and video games! 

Book an appointment now!

Enjoy the Great Outdoors

California is full of natural wonders to explore. Try a new hike or take a day trip to Calaveras Big Trees or Yosemite National Park. If staying close to home is more your style, go to the park or make your backyard a fun place to play. Enjoy being out in nature this spring.


Spring Cleaning

It’s not spring without spring cleaning. Dedicate a day during spring break and get the whole family involved in the big cleanup. Scrub those forgotten places, wash the windows, declutter and donate old clothes. To make it more exciting, turn it into a game. Who can sort laundry the fastest, have sweeper races or a dust dance party. Making it fun for the kids helps get the job done.


Have a Family Movie Night

Going to the movies is exciting, so why don’t you turn your home into a cozy cinema for a family movie night. Give your kids a few options for movies to watch. Let their creativity shine by making movie posters and tickets. Set up a snack bar with healthy treats and popcorn (don’t forget to floss). Snuggle up and enjoy the show.


Find Service Opportunities 

There’s never been a better time to give back. Getting kids involved can be as simple as picking up trash in local parks and neighborhoods. Delivering baked goods and cards to friends or those in hospitals and assisted living centers is another great idea. Your kids have been through a lot this past year, show them how good it feels to serve this spring.

Spring break doesn’t always mean traveling or heading to the beach. A fun time can still be had at home.

These ideas are just to name a few. Help your kids brainstorm fun things they want to do during the break. Remember to be safe, stay well, and enjoy this time off.